Raspberry Pi 4 – Blinking patterns of green ACT LED

On a Raspberry Pi 4, the green “ACT” LED indicates boot errors using certain blinking patterns. The following table shows what the different patterns mean (source of the table is the official documentation). Hint: In case your LED does not flash, or turns completely of after some flickering, your EEPROM bootloader might be corrupt. InContinue reading “Raspberry Pi 4 – Blinking patterns of green ACT LED”

Headless setup of a Raspberry Pi 4 on macOS

This post explains how to setup a current Raspberry Pi 4 with the most recent version of Raspberry Pi OS (most recent = at the time of writing: January 2022). Some details can also be found on the official website. Step 1: Download the image For Raspberry Pi 4, if you want to install theContinue reading “Headless setup of a Raspberry Pi 4 on macOS”

720×720 LCD screen using DPI on Raspberry Pi 4

Some weeks ago, I bought a 4inch square LCD screen with 720×720 pixels from Waveshare. However, they did not provide any documentation at all for this specific display, but there was more than enough documentation for all the other displays, e.g. this rectangular one. Thus, I decided to document here how to get this displayContinue reading “720×720 LCD screen using DPI on Raspberry Pi 4”

WS2812B vs. WS28123 – Determine the type of LED strips

There are many different types of LED strips out there. What type do you have? This post gives you hints on how to determine this. LED types These are the types of SMD LED components that you might find on LED strips: 3528: single color, non-addressable, very low power 2835: single color, newer than 3528,Continue reading “WS2812B vs. WS28123 – Determine the type of LED strips”