Blinking patterns of Philips Hue Dimmer Switch V1 (RWL021)

I currently own two Zigbee-based dimmer switches from Philipps Hue (the old V1 version). I was always wondering what the different blinking patterns of the LED indicated. Understanding them was not too straightforward. So here is a quick summary:

Blinking orangeThe device is currently in pairing mode, waiting to be paired. A hard-reset and re-pairing can be triggered by pressing the SETUP button on the back for at least 10 seconds.
Blinking 1x red when pressing / releasing a buttonThe device currently has no connection to the bridge and cannot send the button press. Or: The battery is very low (< 2%).
Blinking 1x orange when pressing / releasing a buttonHere, I am not sure yet. Either it means an OTA upgrade is currently in progress (OTA upgrades can take up to 30 minutes). Or it means, the battery is low (< 5%).
Fast toggling between all colors while pressing and holding the SETUP button on the back.Indicates that the switch is about to reset. Keep holding SETUP until the light is consistently blinking orange. Then, it is in pairing mode again.
1x short red, then solid greenYou have soft-reset the device by pressing and holding all 4 buttons.
Toggling between green and redThe device is reconnecting to the network after a soft-reset

I hope that clears things up for you, if you were wondering about the behavior of the Hue switch like I did.

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