Connect Grafana to InfluxDB and show data

In the previous article about how to set up InfluxDB, we have imported a sample dataset. Now, we want to show this data in Grafana by fetching it from an InfluxDB data source. Step 1: Setup the data source connection Log in to Grafana (usually on http://localhost:3000), and on the left side, click on ConfigurationContinue reading “Connect Grafana to InfluxDB and show data”

InfluxDB – Setup on Linux

InfluxDB is an open source database for time series data. This means, it is the perfect tool for storing sensor data from IoT sensors or systems. This article will show you how to install InfluxDB on Linux. Step 1: Download and install the Docker container At the time of writing (July 2020), the current stableContinue reading “InfluxDB – Setup on Linux”

Docker – Setup on Linux

In my opinion, it is the easiest to develop modern applications using Docker. Docker is a tool for creating, deploying, and running applications in so-called “containers”. In this way, you can easily move the application from one device to another (e.g. to the cloud), in case you need this in the future. By approaching thingsContinue reading “Docker – Setup on Linux”