720×720 LCD screen using DPI on Raspberry Pi 4

Some weeks ago, I bought a 4inch square LCD screen with 720×720 pixels from Waveshare. However, they did not provide any documentation at all for this specific display, but there was more than enough documentation for all the other displays, e.g. this rectangular one. Thus, I decided to document here how to get this displayContinue reading “720×720 LCD screen using DPI on Raspberry Pi 4”

What platform should I use for my IoT project?

There is a large choice of platforms, embedded microcontrollers and breakout boards available for prototyping your projects. I want to show you some aspects, that might help you to device what platform you should choose. First of all, answer the following questions for yourself: Do I need WiFi connection, or is some other wireless technologyContinue reading “What platform should I use for my IoT project?”