DIY Temperature Logger with DS18B20 and ESPHome / HomeAssistant

I needed a simple way to measure and log the temperature of the heating pipes in our house. The DS18B20 is a well-known and commonly used temperature sensor, and I already have Home Assistant running. So in this post, I want to guide you through the build of a temperature data logger that can easilyContinue reading “DIY Temperature Logger with DS18B20 and ESPHome / HomeAssistant”

DIY wireless camera with ESP32-CAM

Having a watchful eye on your surroundings that you can view from your smartphone, for as cheap as 16$. Sounds great? Whether you’re looking to monitor your home, office, or any cherished space, you can do so with the ESP32-CAM module. We all know the ESP32, a very versatile microcontroller that can be used inContinue reading “DIY wireless camera with ESP32-CAM”